"I love the challenge of having to solve problems in a multi-dimensional way, especially at the meeting point of strategy, design, technology & culture."
I'm a skilled, full-service designer with over a decade of experience creating functional experiences in different industries. I designed the "Budweiser Kings of Football Show" brand identity & digital solutions launched globally in 2019.
I have an interesting background- my transition through art, architecture, branding, brand strategy, growth engineering and product design is a mix that has afforded me a robust experience to help people and businesses make meaningful and memorable experiences. I typically approach my design solutions from a business impact perspective.
My design style is a great mix of function and aesthetics. My designs outcomes exhibit a fine blend of minimalism and boldness. At the end, problem-solving remains my priority- thus, I create meaningful design systems that can scale and evolve based on contexts and resources.
While I firmly believe that design frameworks are universal, design solutions are not- They are culture-specific. Thus, I adopt a strategy-driven approach to explore solutions that make meaningful impacts based on cultural nuances.
In 2015, I was recognized as one of the most creative in Obafemi Awolowo University by Oya Magazine. The same year, I won the best crèche design award on the same campus.
I'm currently building the future of food industry in Africa with my amazing team at Dropp and Homemade.

Other Engagements:
Mentor, Brand & Strategy- DearDesigner (2020).
Facilitator, Art Direction & Brand Strategy- BAD, Orange Academy(2021).
Mentor & Creative Director- Campace (2015-2017).
Head, Board of Directors- Campace (2018-Date).
Brand Design Facilitator- TFESS, Red Media, Lagos (2017).
Brand Design Facilitator- TFESS, Red Media, Lagos (2018).
Facilitator, Art & Brand Direction- Redx, Lagos (2020).
Design Facilitator & Critique- Mcfeey Creative Institute (2019, 2020).
Speaker- Signatures Summit (2017).

Presentations & Articles:
Design IQ: Maximizing functionality through smart designs, 2019.
Creativity: The mother of Innovation, 2017.
Art Direction (Developing and adapting brand assets for communication), 2020.
Branding: Simple & Productive ways to doing it, 2018.
Design Thinking: The art of becoming a god, 2020.
Leveraging on web design to build a standard design portfolio, 2020.
Introduction to Brand Strategy, 2021.

Thank you!
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